
Rumor Terry Bogard in Street fighter :

Rumor Terry Bogard in Street Fighter is an in-depth study aimed at understanding the impact of this speculation on the gaming community. Street Fighter 6 is an in-depth study aimed at understanding the impact of this speculation on the gaming community and the video game industry. This rumor has sparked great interest and discussion among fans, making it a relevant and current topic of study.
The context:

The context of the study is set in the complex and competitive landscape of fighting games. Particularly in the context of the imminent arrival of new versions of Street Fighter. This rumor also has roots in the history of iconic Street Fighter characters and fighting games in general. Requiring in-depth analysis to understand the implications.

Origins of Terry Bogard:

Terry Bogard is a fictional video game character, first appeared in the 1991 fighting game Fatal Fury: Kof by SNK. He is considered one of the most iconic characters in the SNK video game universe.

Terry was born in Southtown, a fictional city in the Fatal Fury/King of Fighters universe. His backstory reveals that orphaned at a young age when his father Jeff Bogard was killed by Geese Howard. Terry and his younger brother Andy Bogard were then taken in and trained by their father’s friend, Tung Fu Rue.

As he grew older, Terry dedicated himself to mastering a fighting style known as Hakkyokuseiken, revenge against Geese Howard for his father’s murder. This quest for vengeance drives much of Terry’s character arc and motivations throughout the Fatal Fury and Kof series.

Terry is depicted as a rough-edged but ultimately heroic figure, known for his signature outfit of a red trucker hat, denim jacket. His fighting style blends elements of American and Japanese martial arts, with a focus on strong, aggressive strikes.

Over the years, Terry has become one of SNK’s most recognizable and beloved characters, appearing in dozens of their fighting games as both a playable fighter. He remains a staple of the King of Fighters series to this day.

The Confusion:

The fact that in 2018, Capcom did add Terry Bogard as a guest DLC character in their fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is a crossover title featuring characters from many different video game franchises. This was the first time Terry Bogard had appeared in a Capcom-published game.

However, Capcom does not have any direct ownership or creative control over the Terry Bogard character. His inclusion in Smash Bros.


About Terry, SF, and full circles.

In the original SF (1987),we can see a guy breaking the wall in the title screen. That was the original idea that ended up being Terry.

According to the original game developers Takashi Nishiyama e Hiroshi Matsumoto, they couldn’t include the character from the opening in the game. When they left Capcom to SNK, they took some of their unused concepts (including that blonde guy in a jacket from title screen). With some adjustments to make it more cool, it ended up being our well known Terry Bogard, debuting in Fatal Fury (1991).

There was a LOT of rivalry and bad blood between Capcom and SNK back then, but that’s some good 30 years ago. This was all explained in the art book « SF25 – The Art of Street Fighter » on page 436 by the developers themselves.

Now, in a much more peaceful (and profitable) mood, having Terry on Street Fighter is closing of a full circle.

And Mai… Well you all know why they picked her, you pervs.

Anyways, cool bit of game curiosity, with research by Brazilian blogger O Cantinho de Bia Chun-Li.

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