Resident Evil Remake Trilogy is a series of remakes of the iconic games in the Resident Evil franchise, developed by Capcom. This trilogy includes the remakes of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 4, each offering players a modernized experience while preserving the essence of the original games.
Developer and Publisher Details
Capcom is a major player in the video game industry, known for its iconic franchises. The company has successfully revitalized Resident Evil with remakes that have been well-received by fans and critics alike.
Number of Units Sold
The remake trilogy has seen significant commercial success. For example, Resident Evil 2 Remake has sold over 8 million copies since its release while Resident Evil 3 Remake has also reached impressive sales figures, As a result albeit slightly lower. These numbers reflect the enduring appeal of the franchise and the quality of the remakes.
Game Genre
Genre: Survival Horror, Action, Adventure
Games in the trilogy combine elements of survival horror with action and adventure mechanics, providing an immersive experience where players must solve puzzles while battling terrifying enemies.
Reviews and Advantages of the Games
Positive Reviews
- Modernized Graphics: The remakes utilize the RE Engine, delivering stunning graphics and fluid animations that immerse players in a horrifying atmosphere.
- Improved Gameplay: The gameplay mechanics have been modernized, making combat more dynamic and controls more intuitive.
- Enhanced Narrative: The remakes deepen the original story, adding narrative elements that enrich the overall experience.
Negative Reviews
However, some critics noted that Resident Evil 3 Remake lacked content compared to the original, particularly regarding certain areas and game modes.
Rating out of 10
Rating: 8.5/10
The Resident Evil Remake Trilogy is an excellent choice for survival horror fans. With impressive graphics and engaging gameplay, it offers a memorable experience.
The Resident Evil Remake Trilogy is a must-play for horror and action game enthusiasts. With its modern graphics, improved gameplay, and enriched storytelling, it redefines the experience of classic games for a new generation of players.
Gameplay in Youtube: